Picture of the earth at night

This website source code is on github 💻

yet another Frontend engineer

About me

During my student years I started using JavaScript with jQuery for Orange, then I discovered Node, Angular and MongoDB with the MEAN Stack.

Later I discovered React and made the decision to leave Angular, until we meet again.

I also developed a passion for exotic databases. I started by using ArangoDB and turned to Neo4j for its symbiosis with GraphQL.

Contact details

Github iconGithub iconEmail iconEmail icon
Neo4j icon
Neo4j icon
Node icon
Apollo icon
Next.js icon
Cypress icon
Mongodb icon
PostgreSQL icon
React Native icon
Angular icon
Ionic icon
Socket.io icon
Medvice icon

MIA Suite - Lead Front End developer

2020-2022 Full remote - 6 months extended to 21

In charge of 3 web apps and a mobile app (React, React Native)

Sii icon

SII / Hager - Front End consultant

2019-2020 On site - 7 months

Upgraded a house energy visualization app (Knockout.js, Next.js)

Whereyoulove icon

Where you love - Lead Front end developer

2017-2019 Half remote - 2 years

Created the questionnaires generator for the end user along with the administrator and real estate agent dashboards (React.js)

Hickup icon

Hickup - Front end intern

2015-2016 On site - 6 months - internship

Upgraded tablet apps to allow dynamic and fast rebranding (Angular, Ionic)

Orange icon

Orange - Fullstack intern

2013 On site - 6 months - internship

Creation of a seller rating dashboard based on their sells / complaints (Access, Php, SQL, jQuery)

Epitech icon

Epitech - Student

2012-2018 Master’s Degree in computer science

Creation of a web application for graduation project (MySQL, Koa.js, Socket.io, React)

Ahlia icon

Ahlia University - Student

2016-2017 9 months studies in a foreign country

Various modules: from Bioinformatics to Arabic class

Want to hire me? Let's have a chat!

© Copyright 2021-2022 Clément Izard

Check this website's code on my repository

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

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